Scriptsure: Medication Options

Written By Sheri Brown (Administrator)

Updated at November 29th, 2021

Medication Options

The instructions below will help guide you through different medication options including marking them as chronic and using the “do not expire” setting. 

Do Not Expire 

Administrative users have the option in the Settings→Practice Settings→Advanced Practice Setting→Current Medications to leave the medication on the current medication list indefinitely without having to check the box to leave the medications on the medication list. 

When toggled “on”, this setting will leave the medication on the current medication list indefinitely without having to check the box to leave the medications on the medication list. 

In addition, users can enter the number of days beyond the expiration date of the prescription that the prescription should “drop off” the current medication list if they choose. This extra padding allows for medications to be visible on the medication list for a little while longer after the prescription has expired for easy visibility. 

Always Keep as Current Medication (Chronic) 

This option is available when selecting the duration for a new prescription or re-prescribe option. If checked, this option will leave the medication on the current medication list until the medication has been expired from the main dashboard manually.

To expire a medication that has been marked to have no expiration date, go to the Dashboard and click on the expiration date to change the date. Users can also change the status to “discontinued” and that will automatically ask for an expiration date of today or later.

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