Scriptsure: Managing Security Roles

Written By Sheri Brown (Administrator)

Updated at November 29th, 2021

Managing Security Roles 

The instructions below will help users manage the security roles and permissions at their agency. These settings can be adjusted by administrators only.  

Security for Users/Roles 

This will limit the functionality that users are able to see by grouping different users together. 

  1. Go to Settings→Security→Security for Users/Roles 
  2. Click “Edit Security Role”
  3. The “Setup” Category is where administrators can add or delete a role. Once a role is added to the system, users can select it in the dropdown. 
  4. Once the role is selected, users can turn off specific privileges by category. 

    By default, before roles are created, all users will have access to everything with the exception of prescribing medications. Only users that are prescribers or setup to prescribe on behalf of a provider can send medications. 
  5. Go through each category to turn off privileges for each role. The specific items under each category will appear on the right. For instance, if you only want the users to be able to view allergies only, the user would select Allergy→Cannot Add Allergy and Cannot Archive Allergy. 
  6. To make it easier, users can also elect to turn on all restrictions or turn off all restrictions for a specific role.
  7. Once the privileges have been defined for each role. Users can click on the review tab to see all of the settings that have been selected for that role. 
  8. To add users to that selected role, select the user tab.
  9. Click “Save” when finished. 

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