Column names that are followed by a funnel are filterable.
Bells uses two different types of filters - List filters and Search filters.
List Filters
List filters are used when there is a very small set of options for your filter. Simply select the options you want and filter.
- Billable/Non-billable
- Show/No Show status
To use a List Filter, click the funnel and
- Check the boxes for the filters you want
- Uncheck the boxes for any filters you do not want
- Select All: Checks all checkboxes
- Clear: Clears out any checkmarks you've made
- Filter: Filters the Note Type List so that it only displays the items you've checked
Search Filters
Search filters are used when there is a large set of options for your filter. Search for and select the options you want and filter.
- Location Roles
- Note Types
To use a Search Filter, click the funnel and
- Initially, you'll see 'No Note Types selected'. That means no filters are selected and active.
Search for items to add to the filter
- Enter search text to find items to add to your filter.
- Click to select an item to add to the filter.
- Enter search text to find items to add to your filter.
- To remove any individual items from the filter, click the X for the item
- Clear: Removes all items from the filter.
- Filter: applies the filter to the list behind it so that it only displays the items you've selected.