FAQ - Bells AI

General questions on the AI in Bells AI

Written By Jessica Chubbuck (Administrator)

Updated at December 18th, 2023

Bells AI 

How does the AI in Bells AI work? 

Bells uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the structure of what was written in the note. Based on the content's structure and configuration the organization makes, Bells shows recommendations for the user to decide whether or not to accept. 

In addition to the recommendations, Bells uses NLP and Machine Learning (ML) to determine if a note is too similar to a previous note. This again is controlled by configuration, both for enabling the ability, as well as setting the threshold of what is too similar. 


Does Bells connect to external vendors or sources for AI?

Bells does not use external sources (like ChatGPT) for it's AI. All of our AI capabilities are housed within Bells. 


What languages does the Native Language Translation support in Bells? 

As of December 2023, Bells supports the translation of the following languages to English: 


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