March 2018 - 2nd Release

Written By Felicia Conner ()

Updated at March 16th, 2020

Staff Home Resize
The Staff Home has been enhanced to allow the user to easily expand the size of the window either via the top tool bar with the minimize/maximize buttons or via a right click menu in the open white space of the window.
Program on Residential Medication Monitor Note
The Residential Medication Monitor has been updated to include a “Program” field on the Note template for the user to select the program the client is in when completing a note.
Client Status
The Client Status form has been updated to have a filter on the Client Contacts grid. This grid will show the active Client Contacts on initial open of the form, the user will need to click the “Show All” checkbox to see the expired Contacts for the client.
Copy/Paste Utility
The Copy/Paste Utility has been enhanced to allow the user to enter 50 characters in the description.
Diagnosis Update 2015
Med Monitor Note has been enhanced to look at the “FutureDateProgressNotes” flag to determine if a user can enter a future date. If this flag is set to True, the user will not be able to enter a future date. Additionally, if this flag is set to False the user will not be able to enter a date that is more than 1 year in the future.

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