May 2020 - 2nd Release

QA Week 5.20.2020 - Live Week 5.27.2020

Written By Felicia Conner ()

Updated at May 24th, 2020


Claims Maintenance – User ID column 

The Claims Maintenance window has been updated to expand the width of the User ID column on the in the Claim History tab. This will allow the user to see more information of who made the changes in the Claim History.


Spell Check – Adding a word 

The Spell Check process in CT|One has been optimized to ensure the user can add new words to the Spell Check dictionary. This can be done by right-clicking on a word underlined in red > click “Add” at the bottom of the list.

Group Notes – Notes with modified Start/Stop times 

The Group Note process has been enhanced to recognize notes as part of the original group even if the user modifies the Start/Stop time on a note through the group note master.

County on the Client Master and Referral windows 

We have updated the system to ensure only active county codes are available in the County field on the Client Master and Referral window(s).

Client Status – Client Contacts 

The Client Contacts tab on the Client Status window has been updated with the following changes:

  • The columns in the grid have been re-ordered and resized to ensure all data is visible when the window is opened.

  • The extension information will only print if it is completed.

Staff Home 

The Diagnosis column on the Active Clients tab of the Staff Home has been modified to pull the following information for the client:

  • Only one DSM 5 diagnosis code will display in the column. This will pull the diagnosis code in the following order:

    • PM Diagnosis if present.

    • If there is no PM diagnosis, it will pull the PS diagnosis if present.

    • If there is neither a PM or PS diagnosis, it will pull the oldest active diagnosis that is still active

  • If the client has multiple diagnosis codes, an ellipsis will show in the column to indicate there are additional codes.

  • The user can hover over the column to display the full list of active diagnosis codes for the client.

Core Note Pages 

There are three (3) new core note pages available in the Service Type Maintenance. These are all Smart Signature enabled, which will allow for multiple signatures on the Progress Note.

  • Performance Tracking Smart Sig

  • Core BIRP Note Smart Sig

  • SOAP Note Smart Sig

Please reach out of your support specialist for additional information on Smart Signature Progress notes. 


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