New Authentication Process
Login Flow
Great News!!! You will now access the Mobile application via your normal (already setup) CTOne Windows Login credentials!
Note: The EULA (End User License Agreement) is now added to the login flow, instead of the registration flow (this creates a more simplified registration process).
Select from Multiple Profiles
- You are now able to sign into the application even if you have multiple profiles to select from
- In some cases, there are individuals that have multiple profiles associated to one Windows Login account
- Multiple profiles are presented to you for selection
- Once selected, you must confirm the selection
- Once confirmation is successful
- The profile will be pre-selected each time at login in order to bypass an unnecessary step
- If you need to utilize the other Profile that is associated, you must uninstall and reinstall to receive the Profiles Selection screen
Note: If you only have one Profile associated to your login credentials, then bypass the profile selection screen
Updated Registration Flow
Yay! We made the registration flow easier!
- Once your Agency Administrator has access to the Admin Portal, and pulls data from Staff Master in CT|One, the staff names and email address are visible to the Agency Administrator in the Dashboard, under the Users section.
They now can enable a user for the Companion App
Enabling a user to use the Companion App
1. Toggle the “Mobile Enabled” option for each user to the enabled position you would like to use the app.
Note: Allow 30 minutes after enabling a user for data to be synced and ready for user to see within the Companion App after login.
2. Send the Registered Notification email to the user
3. Click on the link “send registration” under the “Status” column to automatically send an email invitation to the individual user (staff).
4. Users will receive an email from an auto-generated "do-not reply" Remarkable Health address with a registration link.
The User can download the application from the Store buttons in the email, or they can go directly to the App store based on device and download the application there.
User will then utilize their CT|One credentials and login, the user can now freely navigate and utilize the Mobile App.
Note: The email associated to the user will be associated to the Windows login as well, and should not be changed once the User has successfully logged in to the Mobile app.
5. The Agency Administrator will see "registered" under the “Status” column once the user completes registration.
You can now rank diagnosis codes on your progress notes!
If the "DiagnosticCodesForProgressNotes" flag is null/false in CT|One
- Then you have the option to only select one Diagnosis code to select for the progress note
If the "DiagnosticCodesForProgressNotes" flag is true in CT|One
- Then you have the ability to rank diagnosis codes for social determinants
- Icon indicator is present on the session info page when flag is set to true
- Once navigated to the Dx Code ranking screen
- You will be presented with the following: Please rank the diagnosis codes by selecting the item, then drag and drop in the desired order.
- You have the ability to rank the Dx Codes from 1-12
- You can perform a press to select the item, then drag and drop the Dx code into the correct numbered slot of yuor choice
- Rank/number re-orders when Dx is dragged into a position on on the list
- You have the ability to leave Dx Codes blank if there are more than 12 listed as the available Dx Codes to rank.
- Note: You do not have to rank all 12 codes
- You can drag codes into the Not associated to the progress note section
- You have the ability to leave Dx Codes blank if necessary (field can be blank) - displayed as No selection
- SAVE once codes have been ranked accordingly
- You can perform a press to select the item, then drag and drop the Dx code into the correct numbered slot of yuor choice
Default logic:
- Default the Primary Dx code to associate to the Diagnosis field of the PN
- If more than one Primary Dx code exists
- Then default with the Dx Code marked as PM
- If no PM present, then no default presented
- Then default with the Dx Code marked as PM
- If only one PM Dx code exists
- Then default with the PM Dx code on file
- If there are no PM Dx codes
- Then look for PS Dx code to default
- If neither a PM nor PS Dx code on file
- Then do NOT default a Dx code in the diagnosis field
- List of codes are displayed in order of Primary first, then by effective date
- Display the the order in ID order (oldest effective to newly created), displays per Enrollment selected
- If more than one Primary Dx code exists
- User can long press and hold logic displays the full text version of the Dx code if ellipse
Settings Page
In order to help with triage/IT support, we have added a few fields of information that we can gather from you and your staff if you are experiencing issues:
- Username
- Account ID
- Profile ID
Client Record - Age Display
- Age is displayed in black for any age over 17 years old
- Age will display in red if Client is 17 years old or younger
- IF Client is 2 years and 11 months old or less in age, then age displays in months
- IF Client is less than 2 months old in age, then age displays in days